Exodus 90 and Fiat 90

Join a 90-day spiritual journey to prepare your heart for Easter.

Exodus 90 at Saint Matthew – Exodus 90 is a spiritual program designed for men that offers a 90-day journey of self-denial and prayer to obtain freedom from that which negatively controls men. The Exodus 90 program consists of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. Exodus 90 starts on January 20th and ends on April 20th. If you are interested in participating in Exodus 90, please fill out the interest form linked below.

Fiat 90 at Saint Matthew – Fiat 90 is a spiritual program uniquely designed for women. Fiat 90 is a 90-day journey that gives women an opportunity to grow closer to God, closer to each other, and closer to authentic femininity. The Fiat 90 program is built on prayer, practices of self-denial, self-reflection, and community. Fiat 90 starts on January 20th and ends on April 20th. If you are interested in participating in Fiat 90, please fill out the form linked below.