Register for Lunch Bunch!

Next event: Tuesday, February 11 from noon-2 p.m.

Who’s ready to play some bingo?! Our next Lunch Bunch event of the season will take place on Tuesday, February 11, from noon-2 p.m. in the Narthex.

Lunch Bunch is our parish’s monthly social gathering for members of the community ages 55+. All are invited to join us for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, lunch and bingo.

Each event will have a theme. Participation in the theme is encouraged but not required. February’s theme will be Valentines Day.

The cost is $12. Please bring a gift for the prize table. This can be a trinket, toy, game, statue, book, baked goods, etc. valued around $10. Have some gently used items collecting dust in your home? Bring them to bingo! All used items must be in good, working condition.

The cost is $12/person. There is now a paying in advance option. If you would like to pay at the door, please select “Other/Pay at door” in the payment section.

We will again be having a homeschooler’s Lunch Bunch. This year, the date will be March 11, 2025. All homeschool children are invited to come join in the fun. Registration for the March event is below.

Below are the dates for the first semester of 2025. 

  • January 14, 2025: New Year Theme
  • February 11, 2025: Valentine’s Day Theme
  • March 11, 2025: St. Patrick’s Day Theme (HOMESCHOOLER’S INVITED)
  • April 8, 2025: Easter Theme
  • May 13, 2025: Hawaiian Theme

Click the button below to register for Lunch Bunch. For questions, contact Alex Halfmann at or (615) 550-5101.