Registration is open now for Religious Education and Ignite for 2024-2025
Our Religious Education program for pre-K through 6th-grade students seeks to create an encounter with Jesus through a formation of the mind, heart, and soul built on the pillars of learning, service, prayer, and fellowship. We provide our catechists and students with an authentic Catholic foundation to help guide their formation and spiritual journey throughout their lives.
Ignite is Saint Matthew’s middle school youth ministry for 7-8th graders. Ignite prepares children for the Sacrament of Confirmation by giving them the tools to become committed disciples of Christ. Ignite strives to create an environment of a sound Catholic identity, to answer the youth’s pressing questions, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus. Ignite provides small group discussions facilitated by parish leaders to engage the youth and draw them closer to the faith. Ignite’s structure and content speak to the psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth.
These programs meet on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. The first Sunday for the 2024-2025 year is September 8.
To register or for more information, please click on the button below.